Sunday, October 13, 2013

Apples, Peaches, Smiles, and Cider

Oh, my! Fall.  I know I raved about autumn in New England last year. But I must have forgotten a little bit, because I feel totally blown away.  The leaves dance in the breeze flaunting shocking reds, flirty pinks, bold oranges.... then the apples, straight from the tree.  Peaches so juicy and sweet, you need at least three napkins to clean up your mess.
Cliche, but I totally love it. 
We went apple-picking at a crazy fun apple orchard close to West Haven.  We indulged in kettle corn, bags of apples and peaches, apple cider, then snuggled on the grass next to a duck pond while watching kids hurl chunks of crumbly bread at the eager beaks of the birds.  We needed that relaxing break from all the pandemonium of this semester.  Halfway done!  WOOT!
I can't believe how quickly, and yet slowly time flies.  I am seeing patients regularly now, and feeling increasingly comfortable in clinic.  Dental hygiene school is very challenging, but rewarding.  I truly love what I am doing, and know that this is my path in life.  I am eagerly anticipating the end of school when Tony and I get to move on to the next chapter in our lives.  We have been so blessed along each step of the journey, and know this home stretch is the part where our dear Savior is carrying us through. Every single day, the knowledge that I am a daughter of God who is special, talented, and loved puts a smile on my face and joy in my heart.
The apple store... Amazing!

If I had a caramel apple
that close to my face, I would be
wearing a different expression:

Another shot of the apple store. 

1 comment:

  1. Ahhhhh, loved it! I felt somehow like I was there - could see it, smell it, feel it, and best of all taste it. I wanted that caramel apple so bad!!! Glad you can have fun along with all the studying and sports. Love you two!
